Tag Archives: fastboot

Ubuntu: Flash Galaxy Nexus with Google Firmware

Jelly Bean Logo

Android Jelly Bean logo

Some days ago I realized that Galaxy Nexus was shipped with different Firmware’s from Samsung and Google (see this post on xda). And because my Phone has Samsung’s Firmware, my Android Version is still on Jelly Bean 4.1.2. This how-to shows how to do this on Ubuntu. This procedure will clean your phone, you need to backup all data before you start! (photos, videos, music, sms…)

Install the Android utility fastboot

This utility usually comes with Android Developer Tools. But in this package only a 32-Bit version is available. Since Ubuntu 12.10 you can get fastboot directly from the repository (there are PPA’s for other Ubuntu versions, see this blog post):

$ sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot

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